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Formula 1 Hungarian Grand Prix – Announcement on traffic changes

This year the Hungarian Grand Prix of the Formula 1 Championship will be held between 21 and 23 July. Due to the event, traffic on the M3 motorway between Budapest and Mogyoród will be subject to changes.

Drivers on the M3 motorway can also approach the circuit through the “Hungaroring” junction at km 19 and from the Mogyoród junction 23. A special lane will be separated on the emergency lane for VIP guests on the M3 motorway on the side leading out of the capital between kilometres 13–18 of the motorway. Only they can approach the circuit on this.

From Budapest, the Hungaroring can be reached via the M31 motorway from the Liszt Ferenc International Airport. If you are coming from the M5 motorway, you can drive onto the M31 motorway at junction 54 of the M0 motorway, and then, driving along M31, you can reach the circuit through the Mogyoród junction or junction 19 of the M3 motorway.

The temporary traffic rules will be indicated by yellow information signs and variable message signs above the motorways.

After the race, you can drive onto the M3 motorway through both the junction at km 19 and the Mogyoród junction. Traffic control around the Hungaroring is coordinated by the police, and in order to clear the roads around the circuit as quickly as possible, drivers are required to follow the instructions of the authorities.

On the section of the M3 motorway from Budapest to Gödöllő, longer driving times are foreseen on Saturday and Sunday morning. Traffic in the direction of Budapest is expected to increase significantly on Saturday after qualifying and on Sunday after the race, between 17:00 and 20:00.

To avoid congestion, on Sunday afternoon, drivers travelling on the M3 motorway from Nyíregyháza to Budapest should take the M31 motorway – M0 motorway from Gödöllő.

Please note that the M3 motorway can only be used after paying a toll.

We kindly remind you that the race is on the Hungaroring, not on the motorways!

MKIF Zrt. wishes you a safe journey!

Budapest, 17 July 2023

We supported the Bicske Municipal Fire Department with tensioning and cutting equipment

We have received a lot of help from the Bicske Municipal Fire Department in the past period. They were always there when we needed them.

To express our gratitude, we gave them a certificate of recognition and a battery tensioning and cutting equipment that is unique in Hungary – as such type is not available elsewhere currently – on Saturday morning, right before the Bicske round of the National Small Fire Engine Assembly Contest.

Thank you for your hard work!

The purchase of the equipment was supported by MKIF Zrt. through the Pro Filii Foundation.


In response to the events experienced on the Hungarian express roads in recent months, MKIF Hungarian Concession Infrastructure Development Plc. launched a new video series called ‘DRIVING LIKE A PRO’ on 30 June 2023.

Littering, wreck derby, inattention, impatience, rest stop theft….

All about transport culture with Péter Janklovics, Péter Elek, Attila Csenki and Ádám Török!

Soon you can cross the Letenye border crossing point to Croatia without speed limit

Soon it will be possible to cross the Letenye border crossing point to Croatia without speed limit, and trucks will soon be able to use the border crossing point

Since 12 April, we have been demolishing the buildings at the Hungarian-Croatian border crossing point on the M7 motorway at Letenye. Demolition work is expected to be completed this week.

Croatia joined the Schengen area on 1 January 2023, so border controls on the M7 motorway at Letenye have been abolished. The function and justification of the “control buildings” there have also become obsolete. The Hungarian Concession Infrastructure Development Plc. (MKIF Zrt.) has repeatedly consulted with the border police, the Croatian motorway operator and the Hungarian National Asset Management Inc. on the need to ensure unobstructed, continuous, non-stop passage on the motorway. This can only be achieved by completely removing the barriers on the main track and demolishing the buildings next to it.

Demolition has been taking place in several phases since mid-April. In the former bus lanes, in agreement with the police, the protective roof has been retained, as well as a control booth, allowing law enforcement agencies to carry out so-called “pick-out” checks as necessary. On the main track, we have removed all obstacles that could restrict traffic in any way. In its final state, no speed limits are planned and the motorway will also be usable for heavy goods traffic. The demolition work is expected to be completed this week, and all that remains is to install the final guardrails, diversion elements and paint the pavement signs.

Although the rainy weather is hampering our work, we will also dismantle the temporary diversion once it is finished. The final traffic markings will then be put in place, including the lifting of the freight restriction and its pre-signalling on the surrounding road sections not affected by the demolition.

After the end of the tourist season, the border crossing point will also be levelled up. As part of this project, the entire width of the motorway will be renovated around the demolished border crossing point.

The Péteri Operation and Maintenance Centre has officially started its work, MKIF Zrt. centres have received 22 new brigade vehicles

From Friday, we will operate from our newly built and inaugurated Péteri Operation and Maintenance Centre the almost 99 km long section of the M4 motorway, which will connect Budapest with the A3 motorway in northern Transylvania in the future. This brings to 20 the total number of operation and maintenance centres throughout the country that are responsible for the maintenance of the 1,237 km of the expressway network operated by MKIF Zrt. 

The Péteri Operation and Maintenance Centre operates 17 junctions, five pairs of rest stops and 82 structures – the most significant of which is the new 758 metre long Szapáry (Tisza) Bridge. Dispatchers are supported by 39 cameras, 12 road meteorological stations, 33 variable message signs (VMS) and 19 traffic counting devices. The safe and high quality management of the motorway is ensured by 42 people in the operation and maintenance centre.

On the nearly 30,000 square metre site, there are, among other things:

  • a 1,800 sqm workshop building,
  • a 1,700 sqm garage building,
  • a 1,400 sqm salt storage,
  • a refuelling station,
  • covered car parking and bicycle storage,
  • and on a separate plot of land a police building with parking.

The building is heated and cooled by an environmentally friendly heat pump system. Solar panels have also been installed on the roof.

To monitor and control the mechanical and electrical equipment of the buildings and the utility systems, i.e. to facilitate operation, we have built a complete mechanical automation and building management system.

Our vehicle fleet is also constantly growing. Thanks to this, 22 new VW Crafter light trucks were delivered to the national operation and maintenance centres in Péteri on Friday. These flatbed vehicles can transport both people and small machines and equipment. They are a useful help to our colleagues on most road jobs: mowing, embankment repair, barrier repair, road defect repair or clearing accident sites.

MKIF Zrt. wishes you a safe journey!

Hungary’s biggest expressway renovation to start in April

The biggest ever expressway renovation of Hungary will start on 12 April.

The employees of MKIF Hungarian Concession Infrastructure Development Plc. will start the so-called levelling up works on the M3 and M7 motorways. In 2023, they will work in as many as 67 locations.

Works will be carried out on the M1, M15, M3, M30, M35, M4, M7 and M8 express roads.

This year we will replace 297 km and 2 million square metres of old, worn out pavement in need of repair with new asphalt, including the top layer and, where necessary, also the bonding layer underneath. We will also repair deeper structural parts if justified by their condition. We plan to lay more than 330 thousand tonnes of new asphalt this year alone.

The full levelling up process will last for three years, until 2025. Across the country, 200 bridges and flyovers will be renewed, including four major bridges: the Rába (M1), the Tisza bridge (M3), the Köröshegy Valley Bridge (M7) and the Pentele Bridge (M8). At 50-60 junctions, the drainage systems and any slope failures will also be fixed. Furthermore, we will also renovate 30 rest stops.

We will improve the roofs of the buildings and toilets, replace and repair machinery, thus increasing operational safety and simplifying operations. We will also put new furniture in these rest stops, replacing the outdated wooden street furniture. In addition, we will plant trees and place selective waste containers in the rest stops. Where necessary, we will also replace wildlife fencing on both sides of the motorways.

The biggest express road renovation in Hungary’s history will of course involve diversions and traffic restrictions.

We try to organise the work in time and space to minimise inconvenience. The whole renovation will start after Easter, and there will be no planned works on the M7 between the capital and Lake Balaton during the holiday period.

All diversions will be communicated in a timely and continuous manner via our website, Facebook page and ÚTINFORM.

The works are necessary to ensure that travellers can use the road in good condition. Please follow our website and always check the current traffic situation before departure and plan longer journeys during the renovations.

We kindly ask for your understanding and support during the renovations. We work for you.

MKIF Zrt. wishes you a safe journey!

Major pre-winter resurfacing works on the expressway sections maintained by MKIF Zrt. completed

In recent weeks, the Hungarian Concession Infrastructure Development Plc. has carried out large-scale pavement repairs in 125 locations across the country. MKIF Zrt. replaced the top, so-called “wearing” layer of the pavements in the worst condition on 130 thousand square metres before the winter season, in the vicinity of the following eleven settlements: Bicske, Komárom, Kál, Gödöllő, Martonvásár, Balatonvilágos, Lébény, Emőd, Hajdúböszörmény, Fonyód and Péteri. Where this was necessary, the bonding layer underneath the wearing layer, which was on average 7 cm thick, was also replaced.

The autumn works had to be carried out quickly to prevent the sudden deterioration of the pavement caused by the winter weather, i.e. freezing and thawing. We also repainted the pavement signs in the areas affected by the resurfacing, covering 1,500 square metres. 

In addition, on the side of the M1 motorway towards Hegyeshalom, near Tatabánya (at km 60), where the gradient of the road required, we also carried out grooving on almost 2,000 square metres. In the process, 8 mm deep cuts were made across the road to facilitate faster drainage of rainwater. On this section of the M1 motorway, due to topographic characteristics, rain is slow to run off the track. This can create a layer of water, i.e. “water film”, on which a car can skid and become uncontrollable if it is driven at a speed higher than the speed limit or on tyres with insufficient tread depth. This phenomenon is called “aquaplaning”. 

Grooving allows water to drain quickly from underneath the tyre as it hits the “water film” in these special gaps, preventing “floating up” and accidents.

During the works, we carried out 125 traffic restrictions, on average at 2-4 locations a day.

For the Hungarian Concession Infrastructure Development Plc., the safety of road users and the smooth flow of traffic come first. That is why we decided to fix the most critical sections, which require quick intervention, as soon as possible this year. 

On 1 September, MKIF Zrt. took over the operation and maintenance of 1,237 km of the expressway network in Hungary. Together with the rapid autumn pavement repairs on the M1, M3, M4, M7, M30 and M35 motorways and winter preparations, we have done our utmost to ensure that travel and traffic are as smooth and safe as possible during the winter period. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

Drive carefully!

#mkif #azorsagutja

An ambulance or a fire engine is not your personal blue-light lead car!

On 18 October 2022 a coach ran into a stationary truck on the M1 motorway. One person was seriously injured and one slightly injured.

Several ambulances, fire engines, police cars and even an ambulance helicopter arrived at the scene.

The drivers gave the rescue vehicles a permanent free way right from the arrival of the first ambulance. To them, thank you for your help!

But there were some others who selfishly used the freed up corridor to avoid the traffic jam. They did this by queuing behind ambulances and fire engines using a blue light.

In just less than half an hour, as many as seven drivers thought the corridor was made for them.

You can see them in the video below.

There is a reason why the blue light is on the cars of those who help and not on yours!

We urge all drivers to always help the rescue team in their work!

Thank you for your cooperation!


Make way for help!

#mkif #azorszagutja #adjutatasegitsegnek #omsz #orfk #katastrofavedelem

Press release

From Monday, 10 October, 2022 until mid-November 2022, the Hungarian Concession Infrastructure Development Plc. will work continuously on various sections of the M1, M3 and M7 motorways. In the coming weeks, diversions and temporary lane closures can be expected in the areas of Bicske, Komárom, Kál, Gödöllő, Martonvásár, Balatonvilágos and Fonyód.

Before the onset of winter, MKIF Plc. will carry out reconstruction on sections where road condition requires the most. 127,000 square metres, almost 18 football pitches, will be resurfaced, if necessary with several layers.

This work is necessary to ensure that you can continue to use the motorways smoothly during the winter and to avoid deterioration of the roads.

The aim is to minimise traffic disruption. Of course, with this level of work, congestion is inevitable. Therefore, where possible, our colleagues will be working at night.

Please make sure you are aware of the current road closures before you start traveling. We will keep you informed of the current diversions and closures via ÚTINFORM. At the same time, we also ask you to drive carefully near construction areas, to pay attention to the signs and markings posted and to drive carefully past our workers carrying out the renovation, and to help each other when merging or switching lanes.

Thank you for your patience!

MKIF wishes you accident-free driving!

Budapest, 06.10.2022.

Communication Department

Not only you, but our colleagues are expected home too!

In recent weeks, there have been three accidents that endangered the lives of our colleagues…

On 3 October 2022, on the M44 motorway, our colleague was conducting his daytime road check when he noticed in his rear-view mirror that the lorry behind him was approaching without slowing down.

Our colleague tried to pull over to the right, but the driver of the lorry probably did not notice the flashing beacon on the road patrol car and drove straight into it without braking.

Fortunately, our colleague was not injured, but the rear of the road patrol car was completely destroyed.

On 23 September 2022, the truck of the Bicske engineering department was also involved in an accident. The truck, equipped with a special collision absorber, protected our maintenance colleagues and our mowing machine. The accident happened on the M1 motorway in the direction of Győr.

The lorry that caused the accident swept away the rear-view mirror of our car, but fortunately there were no personal injuries.

At kilometre 61 of the M1 motorway, our colleagues were mowing the vegetation next to the hard shoulder when an inattentive lorry driver drove into the mowing machinery.

One of our colleagues suffered minor injuries and was taken to hospital. The incident happened on 15 September.

Our colleagues on duty on the motorway work to keep traffic flowing smoothly and without disruption. Their work is important but also dangerous.

Please watch out and take care of them!

Drive carefully!

#mkif #azorszagutja