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In response to the events experienced on the Hungarian express roads in recent months, MKIF Hungarian Concession Infrastructure Development Plc. launched a new video series called ‘BE SAFE’ on 23 June 2023.

To our company, the safety of both our employees and road users is of paramount importance, so in the series we draw attention to situations where complying with the rules can prevent many accidents. The video can be viewed here:

41 new brigade vehicles in service

This year, we are expanding our operation and maintenance fleets in several phases with brigade vehicles, foreman and road patrol cars, heavy goods vehicles and crane trucks.

The new cars, unlike the old ones, will be white.

For better visibility, they are equipped with reflective stickers on the rear doors that cover the largest possible surface.

Please pay special attention to our colleagues!

2024 MKIF Children’s Day

MKIF Children’s Days in 2024 with machines, games, a driving track, a bouncy castle and everything else that typically appears on such days, but all this at the operation and maintenance centres.

👷 Thank you to the Eszteregnye, Nagycenk, Kardos and Encs operation and maintenance centres for opening their doors to the public and making this day memorable for the children!

22 new road patrol cars in service

This year, we are expanding our operation and maintenance fleets in several phases with brigade vehicles, foreman and road patrol cars, heavy goods vehicles and crane trucks.

Our newly delivered road patrol cars come equipped with front and rear cameras for the safety of our colleagues.

Last August, a pilot project was launched to equip some of our cars with dashboard cameras. All this was of course marked on the vehicles with huge stickers.

Our experience so far shows that cars with cameras make drivers slow down, and as a result, we have not had any accidents with them.

For better visibility, they are equipped with reflective stickers on the rear doors that cover the largest possible surface.

Please pay special attention to our colleagues!

67 new cars in our fleet

On Wednesday morning, 27 new foreman cars and 40 brigade vehicles were delivered.

This year, we are expanding our operation and maintenance fleets in several phases with brigade vehicles, foreman and road patrol cars, heavy goods vehicles and crane trucks.

The new cars, unlike the old ones, will be white.

Please pay special attention to our colleagues!

Motorbike Ambulance Service launched!

In the past, MKIF Zrt. and the National Ambulance Service already worked closely together on the express roads across the country when human lives were at stake.

The two organisations have now strengthened their already good relationship.

Under the agreement just signed, motorbike ambulances will be stationed at three of our operation and maintenance centres, in Gödöllő, Martonvásár and Bicske, from May until the end of October.

We provide medical and rest rooms and a garage for those on duty.

The ambulance riders will not only help people driving or travelling on the expressway network but also those living in the surrounding settlements.

Even if the traffic situation and congestion make it difficult, motorbike ambulances can be on the scene in minutes.

Speed can save lives! Drive carefully!

“Pick it yourself!”

This year we joined the “Pick it yourself!” (“TeSzedd!” in Hungarian) litter picking initiative.

Today we picked up litter around our office building in Budaörs and on both sides of the M3 motorway at the Szilas rest stop and in the surrounding area.

More than 25 bags of litter were collected at the two sites.

We collected 120 truckloads of litter in 2023 on our track sections across the country.

Last year, 2,473 tonnes of waste accumulated on the 1,237 km of the network we manage.

This includes litter dumped in the bins at rest stops as well as the clean-up of illegal litter dumps and litter collected at the side of the track.

We ask everyone to only put sorted litter in the selective bins and not to bring household waste onto the motorways. It damages the environment and poses serious public health risks. For example, it leads to an increase in insects and rodents, which can spread diseases.

We are on track! Together, with you.

New agreement signed between NiT Hungary and MKIF Zrt.

Today we signed a ground-breaking strategic cooperation agreement with the Federation of National Private Transporters (NiT Hungary) to strengthen road safety and improve the road infrastructure in Hungary.

The organisation now brings together 4,900 companies, and its key objective and duty is to perform the specific professional tasks of interest protection and representation and various economic tasks expected by domestic freight and bus passenger transport companies operating in international or domestic relations.

Under the agreement, we will launch joint projects to minimise the risk of road accidents, improve road safety and raise the quality of road network services.

Key areas of cooperation include the mutual exchange of accident data and infrastructure information, the development of the road network, and the improvement of road safety and vehicle rescue.

One of the most innovative elements of the cooperation is the assessment and development of the territorial needs for qualified truck parking and electric and gas charging stations, which will contribute to the modernisation of infrastructure and the promotion of environmentally friendly transport.

We expect this cooperation to set an example for the sector and contribute to the development of road transport and the reduction of road accidents, providing extremely important benefits not only for road transporters but for everyone, making transport in the country not only safer but also more sustainable.

We wish you a safe journey!

Levelling up works start in 2024

Renovation of Hungary’s expressway network started last year continues

On Wednesday, 20 March, this year’s levelling up works will start on the M7 motorway with the installation of diversions at three locations, the Kőröshegyi Valley Bridge, Balatonlelle and Becsehely. This week, preparatory work will also begin on the M7 to replace the broken pavement. Next week, the staff of MKIF Hungarian Concession Infrastructure Development Plc. will start the levelling up work on the M3 motorway as well. Most of this year’s renovations will be on this motorway. On the M1 motorway, due to the increased traffic during Easter, we will wait until after the holiday, and our colleagues will not be mobilised until the following week. Please note that, similar to last year, work on the M7 between Budapest and Lake Balaton will be suspended during the holiday period. 

In 2024, we continue to work on nine express roads (M1, M15, M3, M30, M35, M4, M7, M70, M8).

The biggest express road renovation in Hungary’s history started last year and will last until 2025. It covers 538 km, i.e. 43% of the track we operate and maintain. In 2023, we replaced 3.6 million square metres of old, broken pavement with new asphalt. For this, we used 500 thousand tonnes of asphalt. 19% of the total main track was renewed last year, including 106 bridges and flyovers. We plan a similar degree of renovation in 2024. A further 20% of the main track is expected to be re-asphalted this year. Where necessary, deeper layers are also renovated and repaired. We will also renovate 110 bridges and flyovers this year. 

The renovation of the rest stops also started last August. We will replace the machinery of the buildings, the internal finishes, the sanitary ware, the doors, the roofs, and the external facades. New furniture will be installed and, where necessary, new asphalt will replace the old pavements in the car parks and rest areas.

This year, some junctions will also need to be resurfaced. For this reason, there may be closures and diversions at several junctions until the end of this year’s works, probably until November. 

Last year, our colleagues built more than 400 diversions across the country. In 2024, work will continue in a number of locations. Drivers are asked to slow down at diversions, follow the signs and the rules of the Hungarian Highway Code at all times. 

Similar to last year, in 2024 we will regularly inform road users in detail and in advance about expected diversions, closures and works through our social media page, the website of MKIF Zrt. and ÚTINFORM.

Please take care of our colleagues and always check our websites for information on current works before departure.

Thank you for your patience and understanding! We work for you!

Hungarian Concession Infrastructure Development Plc. to start a ten-year road development programme – Világgazdaság interview with Tamás Németh, CEO

“We will continue the levelling up we started last year. We will carry out at least as much work as in 2023. The new asphalt layers are spectacular elements of this. It has been around thirty years since such a major renovation of the national expressway network took place. This year, 3.9 million square metres are planned, which represents another 20 percent of the total main track.

I can now announce that work will start after the long weekend of 15 March. Most of the works on the M1 are finished, but a small part remains. The biggest renovation will be on the M3 and M7, but there will also be on the M30, M35, M70, M15, basically everywhere.

We will publish a detailed daily breakdown of the renovations in good time, so all travellers will know what to expect.”

– added Tamás Németh, CEO in an interview with Világgazdaság.

You can read the full article here: