legal background:
According to Annex 1, point 2.2.10 of Government Decree 93/2012 (V. 10.) on the authorisation of the construction, placing in service and termination of roads, the manager demarcation plan is part of the road construction authorisation plan.
filing an application:
Consent for the manager and operator demarcation documents should be initiated by sending a request to [email protected].
Once the Designer has completed the preliminary coordination of the manager demarcation plans and made the necessary corrections, the plans can be printed and the actual approval/signature process can begin. The number of copies of the plans to be printed shall be determined by the Designer, depending on the future use. Our company requires 2 copies of the plans signed by all parties concerned.
In drawing up the demarcation site plan and in allocating certain areas for management and operation, please bear in mind the basic principle that the demarcation must cover the entire area of the project, but not beyond it. So any facilities that are part of the project must be shared between the stakeholders, but the plan must not make provision for facilities outside the project boundary.
It is necessary to use a two-layer signal explanation, where the current ownership (Hungarian State, municipal government, MÁV Zrt., private owner, etc.) and the planned manager-operator relationships (MKIF Hungarian Concession Infrastructure Development Plc., Magyar Közút Nonprofit Zrt., municipal government, etc.) should be represented by a separate layer (and a separate signal key of your choice).
We recommend the use of the attached sample legend at a conceptual level.

Current ownership situation
Hatch colour
Hungarian State
Local Government of … city with county rights / city / town/ village
MÁV Zrt. / state forestry / water management / etc.
Private property
Planned operator relations
hatch sample
Asset manager
municipal government
private owner
MKIF Hungarian Concession Infrastructure Development Plc.
municipal government
private owner