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Thirteen e-extinguishing lances delivered to the disaster management authority

We delivered the 13 e-extinguishing lances purchased for the National Directorate General for Disaster Management of the Ministry of Interior, which will be deployed at the fire departments along the busiest express roads.

It turns out more and more often that a vehicle burning in a car fire has some kind of hybrid battery pack. Extinguishing such cars is difficult and time-consuming because it is not enough to extinguish the car itself, the packs also need to be cooled.

The battery packs can reach temperatures of up to 8001,000 degrees (!) in a fire and can still be glowing even when the car appears to have been extinguished from the outside. These devices are able to break through the battery plate and inject the extinguishing agent into the glowing cells.

This can reduce the time needed to extinguish a hybrid/electric car from long hours to as little as 15-20 minutes. And this allows traffic to flow more quickly. In addition, a possible motorway blockage due to extinguishing can be released faster.

Today’s event is a good example of the excellent cooperation between the disaster management authority and the public road operators. Our companies are committed to preserving road safety – stressed Tamás Kertesi, Deputy CEO of our Company.

We participated in the initiative together with the Hungarian Public Road Nonprofit Plc.

Major pre-winter resurfacing works on the expressway sections maintained by MKIF Zrt. completed

In recent weeks, the Hungarian Concession Infrastructure Development Plc. has carried out large-scale pavement repairs in 125 locations across the country. MKIF Zrt. replaced the top, so-called “wearing” layer of the pavements in the worst condition on 130 thousand square metres before the winter season, in the vicinity of the following eleven settlements: Bicske, Komárom, Kál, Gödöllő, Martonvásár, Balatonvilágos, Lébény, Emőd, Hajdúböszörmény, Fonyód and Péteri. Where this was necessary, the bonding layer underneath the wearing layer, which was on average 7 cm thick, was also replaced.

The autumn works had to be carried out quickly to prevent the sudden deterioration of the pavement caused by the winter weather, i.e. freezing and thawing. We also repainted the pavement signs in the areas affected by the resurfacing, covering 1,500 square metres. 

In addition, on the side of the M1 motorway towards Hegyeshalom, near Tatabánya (at km 60), where the gradient of the road required, we also carried out grooving on almost 2,000 square metres. In the process, 8 mm deep cuts were made across the road to facilitate faster drainage of rainwater. On this section of the M1 motorway, due to topographic characteristics, rain is slow to run off the track. This can create a layer of water, i.e. “water film”, on which a car can skid and become uncontrollable if it is driven at a speed higher than the speed limit or on tyres with insufficient tread depth. This phenomenon is called “aquaplaning”. 

Grooving allows water to drain quickly from underneath the tyre as it hits the “water film” in these special gaps, preventing “floating up” and accidents.

During the works, we carried out 125 traffic restrictions, on average at 2-4 locations a day.

For the Hungarian Concession Infrastructure Development Plc., the safety of road users and the smooth flow of traffic come first. That is why we decided to fix the most critical sections, which require quick intervention, as soon as possible this year. 

On 1 September, MKIF Zrt. took over the operation and maintenance of 1,237 km of the expressway network in Hungary. Together with the rapid autumn pavement repairs on the M1, M3, M4, M7, M30 and M35 motorways and winter preparations, we have done our utmost to ensure that travel and traffic are as smooth and safe as possible during the winter period. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

Drive carefully!

#mkif #azorsagutja