In an interview with Mandiner, Tamás Németh, CEO of the Hungarian Concession Infrastructure Development Company (MKIF) Plc. spoke about the tasks ahead of the Company, the expected developments and plans.

As of September, the Hungarian Concession Infrastructure Development Company will operate and develop 1,237 km of domestic motorways. There was some protest about this, why was this change necessary?
The Hungarian state was driven by two things: one was that the number of vehicles using domestic roads has increased significantly, and the state has to adapt to this increase with its developments, both in time and space. The other is that the European Union is providing little or less funding for the development of the road network than it had in the past. It is in Hungary’s fundamental interest to ensure unhindered transit traffic. And it is also necessary that in the future there should be some kind of expressway within half an hour’s drive from anywhere in the country. The aim is clear: to build new roads faster and with better quality than before, and to improve existing ones. However, it is important that the roads remain the property of the state, and that the state remains responsible for setting and collecting tolls. We have no influence on this.
Read the full article here: