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“Pick it yourself!”

This year we joined the “Pick it yourself!” (“TeSzedd!” in Hungarian) litter picking initiative.

Today we picked up litter around our office building in Budaörs and on both sides of the M3 motorway at the Szilas rest stop and in the surrounding area.

More than 25 bags of litter were collected at the two sites.

We collected 120 truckloads of litter in 2023 on our track sections across the country.

Last year, 2,473 tonnes of waste accumulated on the 1,237 km of the network we manage.

This includes litter dumped in the bins at rest stops as well as the clean-up of illegal litter dumps and litter collected at the side of the track.

We ask everyone to only put sorted litter in the selective bins and not to bring household waste onto the motorways. It damages the environment and poses serious public health risks. For example, it leads to an increase in insects and rodents, which can spread diseases.

We are on track! Together, with you.